Employment Contracts and Orchestrated Chaos
The outgoing City Council is appointing a new City Administrator only a week before the election. Will this lead to the same type of acrimony and disorder that we have seen at NIC and CLN?
Vote for Luke Sommer & Tom Shafer
It's time to fix the problems with Hayden's 2040 Comp Plan. Sommer and Shafer will represent residents and stand up to Special Interests.
Turbo-charging Multi-Family Housing
Hayden's zoning codes have always provided for multi-family housing, but nothing on the scale of the 2040 FLUM. Why were drastic changes made to streamline high density housing?
Densifying Single Family Neighborhoods
Why did the city spend months reassuring everyone that Hayden's new multi-family zone, MR was less dense than R-MF, when such claims are demonstrably false?
Debunking DePriest's Disinformation
Councilman DePriest has taken it upon himself to defend the status quo and reassure Hayden residents that there is no cause for concern about over-development. We beg to differ.
The P & Z Commission's Plan for Hayden
How did Hayden's P & Z Commission influence the 2040 Comprehensive Plan? Did they "follow" the laws or did they help "change" zoning laws to favor developers over residents?
We Need "Definite and Certain" Zoning Laws
When a city's zoning codes are so convoluted that an attorney needs to write a four page memo to clarify the meaning of three sentences, the "person of ordinary intelligence" standard for valid laws has clearly been violated.
Dakota Request for Upzone Denied!
A Request to upzone from Residential Suburban to MR was denied by the City Council at a very well attended Public Hearing. This is great news for all of Hayden.
Council Improves "Standards of Approval"
After months of discussion Hayden Council restored "consideration of neighborhood context" to the "Standards of Approval" for Zoning changes. This gives residents a basis on which to fight upzoning of their community.
Our Vision for Healthy Growth
Home-ownership and is a core value of our community and we are poorly served by city planners who fail to make a distinction between ownership opportunities and corporate rentals.
Hayden's Indefensible "Standards of Approval"
This is a response to a Memo written by City Officials that attempts to justify the 2021 updates to Hayden's SOA's that strip residents of most rights to protest new development.
Public Hearings are a SHAM
Hayden residents often complain that projects and rezones are being rubber stamped with no regard for resident concerns. They are right, and the problem is worse than you think.
Objections to MR Rezone
Both residents and city officials have been misled regarding the allowable densities of Mixed Residential zoning. The city's promised density limits are not supported by zoning statues.
Serious Problems with 2040 FLUM
The 2040 zoning plan designates over 1400 acres as "Mixed Used", mostly intended for high density housing. Over 20,000 new "dwelling units" could be built on these properties, mostly rentals.
How Hayden Lost It's Voice
The 2040 Comp Plan did more than Densify Hayden. It changed the whole process by which Large Multi-Family Development is Designed and Approved.
Hayden Attorney Responds to Critics
The City Attorney has responded to a citizen complaint about contradictory zoning laws, by claiming that persons of "ordinary intelligence" are too dense to recognize the contradictions.
Unenforceable Density Limits
Some of the density limits on Residential zones in the New Plan are not enforceable, or have loopholes the size of an "Accessory Dwelling Unit."
Understanding Claims about Density
The city is attempting to rezone existing R-MF properties in order to permit higher density "infill" in residential neighborhoods. What will this mean for existing residents?
In 2021 the City of Hayden Enacted a New Land Use Plan that is intended to fundamentally change the City.
Save Hayden is a group of area residents who oppose the 2040 Future Land Use Map and are working to prevent the densification of our community. We are a grassroots organization. These are our objectives:
- Keep informed by attending city council meetings, and engaging with our representatives.
- Research city, county, and state laws regarding urban planning and land use.
- Inform other Hayden residents of important developments.
- Participate in elections by vetting and supporting candidates who oppose densification and share our vision of gradual, healthy growth.
- Organize volunteers to help with campaigning and passing on information.
- Encourage other residents to become involved in government.
We will continue to organize until the 2040 Comp Plan is repealed and the government of Hayden is responsive to the needs of its citizens.