Alan Davis: Five Years of Planning and Zoning
Sep 8, 2023
This is a list of all of the Minutes of Hayden’s Planning and Zoning Meetings during the five years between 2019 and 2023. It has been provided for people who would like to research the record of Alan Davis as a member of Hayden's Planning and Zoning commission for themselves.
A link to the complete minutes of each meeting can be seen by clicking on the meeting date. Any comments Davis made and his voting record can found by searching the minutes.
We compiled this list of Hayden P & Z meetings because we believe they provide the best possible insight into the priorities and worldview of Alan Davis, a current candidate for mayor of Hayden. They also provide a great deal of information about Hayden's Planning Commission in general, and about the leaders of Hayden's planning department.
Some of the meetings of greatest interest are color coded, to make them easy to identify. In the list below, any meeting at which the 2040 Comp Plan was discussed is highlighted in Red (20+). Other controversial topics, such as Stone Creek, Villas a Carrington, Hayden Canyon, and a few other projects of interest are highlighted in Orange (10+). Joint Workshops between the City Council and P & Z Commission are highlighted in Purple.
Overall, there were nearly 80 P & Z meetings between 2019 and 2023.
This article is one in a series that provides insight into Hayden's Planning and Zoning Commission and Planning Department. The others in the series, (P & Z and the Comp Plan, and Hayden City Planners) however, focus mainly on the 2040 Comp Plan rather than on specific developments. The list that follows is all inclusive, and provides information about dozens of development projects in Hayden both before and after the new Comp Plan and Zoning Regulations were adopted.
Hayden Planning and Zoning Minutes
- JOINT CC/PZ WORKSHOP Comprehensive Plan Overview. Will work on Four Plans concurrently
- Utility Infrastructure Zone Text Amendment—Wireless Facilities Granted Special Rights.
- Chapman Zone Map Amendment (R-MF to Commercial),
- Avondale Well House
- Peterson SUP Assisted Living, (Continued May 13)
- Workshop: Accessory Structures in Residential zones, Outdoor storage in Commercial.
May 21, 2019 (Continued June 5, 2019)
- Hayden Canyon Annex 0011, PUD 0007, SUB 028
- SUP 0059, Hayden Lake Irrigation District Water Tower Request
- SUP 0060, Viking Construction, Carrington Apts. SUP, 144 Multi-family dwellings on 80 acres.
- PZE 19-0016 Mountain Ridge Holdings Annexation 5 acres to Commercial
- PZE-19-0017. Rav Accessory Building Special Use Permit
- Workshop on various Minor Code Amendments, such as residential frontage improvements
- Comprehensive Plan Workshop Introduction, continued Sept 16
- Miscellaneous Code Amendments, Driveways, Outdoor Storage, Accessory Buildings
- PZE-19-0136. SUP for 10 Acres Kootenai Humane Society YES.
- PZE-19-0055 Daugherty Zone Map Amendment L-I to R-MF on 30 acres of 50 acre parcel.
- PZE 19-0242 McCarthey Special Use Permit for duplexes
- Fall 2019 code Amendments Discussion
October 21, 2019 (No Hearings or workshops)
- Urban Fire Separation, (Federal) Community Wildfire Protection plans
- PZE-19-0289 Zone Map Amendment: Shaporda and Fendich R-S to L-I 5 Acres on W. Buckles
- PZE-19-0300, Venture Five Associates Special use Permit for Church in R-S.
- PZE-19-0289, Zone Map Amendment (R-S to L-I), Buckles Ave. 5 acres.
November 18, 2019 (Continued Dec 2, 2019)
- Workshop: Sign Code (11-22-1), Changes to SUP and ZMP Standards of Approval
- Public Survey for Imagine Hayden is Open During November, ended Dec 3rd.
PUBLIC HEARING, Title 11 Code Amendments, NO Public Comments or Discussion, Unanimous Consent
- Appeal process, city council and P/Z decisions
- Mobile Food Pilot Program
- Uses Permitted/Special Uses: Accessory Dwellings, Storage, Daycare
- Standards of Approval for Special Use Permits
- Standards of Approval for Zone Map Amendments
- Design Standards
- Standards of Approval for PUDs
- Site Plan Standards of Approval
- Sign Code
Jan 6, 2020 (No Hearings or workshops)
- Election of Officers, Petersen and Cramer remain as Chair and Vice-Chair.
- PZE-19-0342: ZMA (C to R-MF) by Olson Engineering, for A Thousand Hills LLC
- PZE-19-0341: SUP duplex in R1 zone request by McCarthy Capital, on 11 lots.
- PZE-19-0343. SUP. Trista Glenn. Rustic Roots Childcare. LLC.
NOTE: COVID SHUTDOWN No public Hearings scheduled between March and May of 2020, but Work on the Comprehensive Plan proceeded. When Public Hearings resumed, restrictions on meeting size were enforced.
- Workshop: Comprehensive Plan Status: Goals, Policies, Actions
- PZE 20-0111, a request for a Special Use Permit by owners 162 E. Hayden Avenue.
- Workshop: Mixed Use Zone Type proposed for Future Land Use Map.
June 15, 2020 (Continued August 11)
- PZE-19-0311 Marks Annexation Request by R&K Development LLC (near Stone Creek North)
- JOINT CC/P&Z WORKSHOP Imagine Hayden Review.
- PZE-20-0134 Wild Horse Investments, for ZMA (R-S to R-1) 4.4 acres
- PZE-20-0102 Stone Creek North Subdivision Request 66 homes on 33 acres.
- Workshop: Mixed Residential & Mixed Use Zones
PUBLIC HEARING: Imagine Hayden 2040 Comp Plan
- PZE-20-0177, Foy Zone Map Amendment (RS-LI 8.76 Acres)
- WORKSHOP - Title 12, Subdivisions, Boundary Line Adjustments
- Cramer Resigns. Mary Howard new member. Alan Davis voted in as Vice Chair,
- Workshop -- Title 11, Zoning Regulations, Zoning Types
- Pzn-20-0021 Jackies Family Trust Annexation (to RS, R1 was requested)
- PZB-20-0171 Subdivision Code Text Amendment
- Discussion of Density Bonuses for Open Space.
IMAGINE HAYDEN OPEN HOUSES: held between October 2020, and Dec 2020.
- JOINT CC/P&Z WORKSHOP Title 11 Subdivision Code. “Needs missing middle housing”
- “Visions” of new code, Mixed Use, Mixed Residential.
- Workshop: Title 11 Mixed Use Zone
- PZE-20-0223 Rainey Zone Map Amendment (A to R1)
- Workshop: Title 11, Sign Code, Density Bonuses, Affordable Housing, ADUs, Lighting
- JOINT CC/P&Z WORKSHOP. Jerry Mason, Attorney, covers Comp Plan and Land Use
- PZE-20-0246, Bradley Moss, Special Use Permit Birdies Pies, Drive through Window
- Workshop: General Discussion with P/Z, address questions, no new material.
- Attorney Kling reviews responsibilities of P/Z Commission; SOAs for SUPs and ZMAs.
- Kling mentioned the SOAs for SUPs have been 'streamlined' to three standards. "We want standards that do not hang us up."
- Workshop: Title 11 Code Amendments. Review of all changes.
- Changes to SOAs, appeals, process are referred to as "Administrative" Changes.
- Lighting standards Change to force LED streetlights are discussed
NOTE: HAYDEN CITY RECORDS WERE MOVED TO A NEW ONLINE LOCATION. P/Z Minutes after March 2021 are maintained on a different server.
PUBLIC HEARING: Title 11 Zoning Regulations Changes. Staff Presentation. No Public Comments.
- PZE-20-0226 Atlas Park Subdivision Preliminary Plat Daugherty Investments. LI to R1 zonechange
- PZE-21-0023 Mark's Ranch Subdivision Preliminary Plat 70 lots on 52 acres
- Ed Depriest, Public Comment, expresses concerns about changes.
- PZE-21-0022 Rock Hayden Square Subdivision Preliminary Plat, John Young Developer, 37 Acres at Lancaster and 95, Commercial Zoning.
- PZE-21-0030 Brown Zone Map Amendment (R-S to R1)
- Workshop: City-wide Zone Map Amendment, Discussion regarding MU vs. MR vs. R-MF
- More Public Commentary as Residents are made aware of New Zoning Regulations
- PZE-21-0109 - Hayden Meadows Estates Subdivision, 53 lots on 16 acres off Maple. Kukla Co. (CONTROLVERSIAL, MANY AGAINST)
- WORKSHOP - Zone Text Amendment to reduce maximum density of MU.
- PZE-21-0094, Hayden Canyon 1st Addition (Hayden Canyon PUD, Phase 1E)
- 610 Acre Annexation (2009), PUD (2014, 2019), 40% open space. 33 Large Lot Homes (7700 sqft), 27 SF homes (6600 sq ft), 32 Cottages, 60 Townhomes.
August 2, 2021 (NO MINUTES, Agenda Only)
- PZE-21-0140 Nicoara Variance Request
- PZE-21-0165, Mabrey Annexation to R1, 5 Acres, 17 Lots (Jackie's Family Trust)
- City of Hayden Code Text Amendment (R-MF Interim Ordinance)
- City of Hayden Code Text Amendment (Mixed Use Design Standards, Title 4 & Title 11)
- PZE-21-0179 Hayden Bible Fellowship Conditional Use Permit
- Corey Anderson, Marketing at Mountain West Bank, Resigned from the Commission
- PZE-21-0197 Dorris Zone Map Amendment from R1 to MR, 1 acres, 4 duplexes. Connie Krueger
- PZE-21-0203 Quail's Nest Comprehensive Plan and Zone Map Amendment
- PZE-21-0218 Palmer Zone Map Amendment, Cuff Road .357 Acre, (R1 to MR, 2 Duplexes)
- WORKSHOP with Caitlyn Kling and Donna Philips: Open Meeting Laws
- Televised Planning and Zoning Commission Meetings
- Long Range Planning Documents: Imagine Hayden: Review all 4 documents.
NOTE: BEGINNING IN 2022, All City Council Meetings are Video-taped
January 3, 2022 (NO MINUTES, Agenda only )
- PZE-21-0242 Starkey Zone Map Amendment, Childcare
February 7, 2022 (NO MINIUTES)
- PZE-21-0241 Thousand Hills Zone Map Amendment (1.2 Acres, C to MU)
- PZE-21-0264 Taylor Zone Map Amendment (2.7 Acres, R-MF to C)
- JOINT CC/P&Z WORKSHOP, Splitting Mixed Use into MU1 and MU2
- PZE-22-0016 Daniels Zone Map Amendment (AG to R1)
- Code Text Amendment to 11-1-7(E) Require second hearing before City Council.
- Text Amendments to MU Zone Designations, MU-1 and MU-2 are split.
- Title 11-2-4 “Special Conditions” and Title 11-2-8 “Applicability”
- PZE-22-0036 Gregory Variance, Construction of a 6 foot wall on 4th St.
July 18, 2022 (NO MINUTES, Agenda only )
- PZE-22-0046 Madison Capital ZMA and Subdivision.
- PZE-22-0068 Northwest Solutions R-MF, Conditional Use Permit, 52 Condominiums on 4.48 acres. Working with PAHA. Presented by Connie Kruger (CONTROVERSIAL)
- PZE-22-0079 Gleason R-MF, Conditional Use Permit, 12 Unit Multi-family. Presented by Connie Kruger (CONTROVERSIAL)
- PZE-22-0092 City wide Residential Multi-Family Zone Map Amendment (VERY CONTROVERSIAL)
- PZE-22-0096 Westbrook Termination of Zoning Development Agreement by New Owner
- PZE-22-0125 Bigham Zone Map Amendment (R1 to MR)
- PZE 22-0128 Kerr Zone Map Amendment Request (CONTROVERSIAL)
- PZE 22-0129, Trail Creek Estates Subdivision Request.
- Workshop: Development Proposal Zocolocal (Educational for P & Z Members)
- First in a series of workshops to walk the P & Z Board through Permit application process.
- Executive Session to Consider Legal Matter
- Workshop: Development Proposal Zocolocal (CONTINUED)
- Consider returning "Neighborhood Contexts" to Standards of Approval.
- Workshop: Development Proposal Zocolocal (CONTINUED)
March 6, 2023 (No Minutes Available, Agenda only)
- Workshop: Development Proposal Zocolocal (CONTINUED)
April 17, 2023 (No Minutes Available, Agenda and Video only)
- PZE-23-0045 Bassett Zone Map Amendment request (RS to R1)
June 5, 2023 (No Minutes Available, Agenda and Video only)
- PZE-23-0061 Rivelle Comprehensive Plan and Zone Map Amendment (R-S to L-I)
September 18, 2023 (No Minutes Available, Agenda and Video only)
- Citizen Survey Results Presentation
Shelly mahn says (Oct 19, 2023):
I Want to Thank you all , I love what your doing ! .you actually seem to care and listen to everyone! ❤️. Most all the people really want is to come Together! Thank you Again for your hard work ! Much Appreciated:-)